This next part is about the controls I would like to use for the facial rig of the Heavy. As you can see in the picture I have placed small circles on top of the joints. Each of these controls consists of three layers (starting from the top of the hierarchy to the bottom):

- Constraint Node - invisible and is used to blend the position and rotation between the upper and the lower jaw parts using parent constraints
- SDK Node - invisible and is used for creating mouth or facial shapes with the help of the Set Driven Key tools in Maya
- Animation Control - visible and is used for animating manually offsets from the pre-made SDK mouth shapes

This facial set up is inspired from the tutorial that I found a while ago created by Canadian 3D Animator Chris Fram. Unfortunately his site does not exist anymore, where I actually found the tutorial, but check out his blog. I hope later I have time to show you how I made this simplified version of the rig (with video and more details).
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